To order a box
Each mysterious box is completely unique and will never be replicated. You can order a random box or request a theme. Each box takes 10 to 30 days to complete. A few complete boxes are posted for sale from time to time. Visit my online store to check for available boxes. Payment is due at the time of ordering. Sales tax and shipping not included.
View past boxes:
The Langston Box
Commissioned in December 2018 for 9-year-old Langston C, the Langston box was decorated with an ink-colored Tyvek fish and contained a set of 12 hand-painted and hand-embroidered flash cards with a seaside theme. Each flash card was hand-printed in French and Spanish. The box was delivered in March 2019.
The Prayer Box
Designed and completed in December 2018, the Prayer Box contained a handmade silk quilt and the hundred-year old hand-written prayers of a French nun. The prayers were found at a flea market in southern France. The prayer box was donated as part of a workshop. There are no photographs of the finished work.