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P,M. Neist

The little shop

I've opened a little online shop. Just four things for sale. I am feeling a bit uptight about it.

Here is how it happened. I applied and was selected for Artist Inc., a very cool program where I am part of a multidisciplinary cohort of artists who are being mentored in the business of art. The handbook we were given states that "Art is a profession, not a vow of poverty".

I am game. Scared and hopeful but game.

At the end of the first session (there will be eight of them, over a period of two months), we had to commit to doing something toward advancing our art profession. We'll report our progress to the group at our next session. I committed to selling some of my art. Online. Never mind that I have never sold a damn thing in the past

So here I am, setting up the shop function of my website, snapping pictures, setting prices, putting myself "out there". It's quite terrifying but here I am blogging and telling you all about it, hoping you won't laugh me out of my little shop. Take a look. Inventory is slim but I have to start somewhere?

I will keep reporting on my progress and will put more stuff in the shop as I go along. Wish me luck.

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