Ever since my friend Marion who is a jeweler, showed me a Georgian Lover's eye, I have been obsessed with the concept. Then, a few weeks ago, I was visiting the wonderful Wilde Collection in Houston where the man at the register sported a lovely painted eye as a tie.
Of course the encounter rekindled my interest and I had to try my hand at making a lover's eye.
Embroidering an eye turned out to be a bit more complicated but also a lot more interesting that I had anticipated. The flesh-colored threads I had purchased did not look like flesh at all so I had to blend a whole bunch of different colors to make this realistic (think orange and purple). All I can say is that all those live painting classes from a long time ago came in very handy.
The piece was realized with silk threads on recycled wool with a felt backing.
As for the story, it is super short because I have been working on multiple projects this week, including several large ones and I have had a bad cold. Something had to give.