Mothering, empty-nesting and grand-parenting and midlife are subjects that are definitely up for me this week.
Home with a nasty cold, I found myself digging through a stack of old letters and notebooks from my childhood in France.
So here you go: a mix of French fairy tales (we love our wolves), nostalgia (my mom wore turtleneck sweaters throughout the 70's) and some kick-ass hand-lettering. My mother, who was also my first grade teacher, taught me to write in pen and ink. And I had a great time working out the capital O with the two wolves running after each others' tail.
As always, this drawing is also the illustration to a short story. I was sick this past week so the story is still with the editor. I will update the post later this weekend and post the link.
Most importantly, this hand-embroidered pen-and-ink drawing is being given away as part of project 105. Email me at if you'd like to put your name in the hat. I accept requests through Tuesday of every week and announce the winner in that week'd post.
Updated on 10/26/2017
"Once Upon a Time" was given away to Katie B of Houston Texas