Years ago, I bought a ream of wrappers for cans of Alaskan Salmons: fierce looking fish on a bright red background.
The wrappers remained at the bottom of my (very) large stack of images until last week when I finally grabbed a pair of embroidery scissors a pot of glue. I have made a series of six pieces, all of them of salmon and insects, using the embroidery to convey the story.
This piece shows a little red beetle narrowly escaping the hungry fish. No worries - this beetle is a tough little cookie. Read the story here.
Email me at if you are interested in winning this piece.
Updated on The Thrill: Sonny E. of Houston Texas claimed the piece.
"I have fished for salmon in Alaska,
know he thrill of the chase, the taste
of the fish I sent back home to dine on
along with great fishing stories with my family
and friends!"